Jackie Ashkin


“Spoken word artist?” someone once said to me, “didn’t those just used to be called poets?”

I like the term spoken word because it can refer to almost any form that poetry takes on when recited aloud. My work is a tapestry of genres, drawing on the many traditions of storytelling and phonesthetics I encountered growing up around the world.

My artistic practice weaves together inspiration from episodes of history, current events, and every once in a while, my own life. Returning to the roots of spoken word as an art of commentary and community, I’m motivated to address challenging and uncomfortable topics in unexpected ways. How can we think about the state of the world we live in without spiraling into a pit of despair? How can performance help us engage collectives and commonalities in new ways? And who is the ‘we’ that figures in these questions?

Over the years I have performed in venues ranging from living rooms to Amsterdam’s famous church-cum-cultural-venue Paradiso. Will I see you at my next show?

There’s nothing more embarrassing than being a poet.
— Elizabeth Bishop, The Art of Poetry No. 27

Performing with musician Jedrzej Jedrazyk at RoomService festival in Wageningen, the Netherlands (2023).

photo credit: Evelina Kvartūnaitė



While most of my time is spent on the stage, you can occasionally find my work in print:

‘In another version of events’ is featured in the second edition of WordUp Pages (2023). You can get a copy here.

Funeral’ is featured in NutMag 4: Transitions (2019)

‘In case God is a Brown Woman’ appears in Issue 4 of The Brown Orient (2019). Purchase a copy here.

Performing from the most recent edition of WordUp Pages at the publication launch (Moving Arts Center Amsterdam, 2023). Photo credit: Anastasiia Mykytiuk


Finalist for “Best Feminist Performance” at the 1st Queer & Feminist Poetry Awards (Rotterdam, 2020).


Alongside performances, I am also available for:

  • workshops

  • voiceovers (samples available upon request)

  • (copy) editing, especially novels

Have an event in mind, but need something specific? Contact me about commissions.